The Case of the Lazy Artist
Once, when I was ten, my Dad said to me- "You are the biggest procrastinator I've ever known."
I asked, "What does that mean?"- and he told me to look it up in the dictionary.
I never got around to it.
Ironic, dontcha think?
Get well soon Pop.
Here's a blast from my college past. In my senior year, I was privileged to work with Rick Geary
as a part of my mentor program. Mr. Geary is an exceptional illustrator who had at the time, been illustrating comic book versions of classic novelists such as Dickens ("Great Expectations") and Bronte ("Wuthering Heights").
I decided to take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's reknown detective Sherlock Holmes- a character I'd always loved reading in high school.
And which Holmes mystery should it be?
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Elementary!
In preparing for this project, it dawned on me that though I'd been drawing comic book characters for as long as I could remember, I'd never actually attempted to draw an actual comic book!
Ironic, dontcha think?
I really struggled to pull off the look- I thought it would be a breeze because cartooning had always been my comfort zone, but there's a deceptive discipline in those rectangle boxes.
Mr. Geary made some very generous crits- mainly focusing on better editing- as I think I had translated the first chapter literally word-for-word as is evidenced by the cramped word balloons!
Though it is unpolished as it is unfinished, ("Procrastinator!")
I still received a passing grade for it.