The Century Mark

"How can I make new again-
What rusts every time it rains?
And the rain it comes and floods our lungs-
We're just orphans in a tidal wave's wake." - Beck
This is officially my 100th post! Yes!
Now FrogDaddy Ink can officially go into syndication!
I'm poking my head out of the sands of the Jersey Shore
to post this lil' sketch of my lil' lovely. I'm really happy with the
way it turned out. I drew it on the way back from a business
trip to L.A. last week, so there's a little more love in this one
than your average 45 minute train ride Kenna Sketch.
Summer's nearly over already! I'm blown away by how fast these
seasons roll on by (cue: Chris Cornell acoustic guitar)
My girl's starting third grade (!) at the end of the month, and when I look
back at some of these old posts, I see there's no baby left in her anymore.
She's a full-grown Jo Bros. lovin', Myley Cyrus singin', Disney Channel
watchin' tween! She's an excellent kid, honestly...I'm quite a lucky dad...
She's really hoping she gets Miss Sheehan as a teacher,
and since she had a real ball buster for second grade last year,
(an hour and a half of homework each night?! In second grade?? Please...)
She deserves a nice one this year...I'll letcha know how it goes...
Enjoy your August!
See you in September-
Thanks Glenny. Great sketch.
I felt the same way when Jake was that age - but just you wait till 8th grade!
Good to hear from ya. The D-rays will dump - they have 6 games with the Sox and 6 with your Spanks in September. Both of our teams will do their job and it will come down to 9/26-9/28 at Fenway. And if you're lucky, you will pick up the wild card.
When are you guys moving out West again?, that is just superb. One of your finest ones, yet. The way you modeled the nose is beautiful..and there's a light and a knowing behind those eyes..the reflected light on the left side of the face - truly masterful. I'd love to see one of your sketchbooks in person one day!
It seems to me that they grow faster in the summer. My plan for next year? Keep Amie out of the sun and stop feeding her. That'll keep her little forever. Great illustration. Love the cropping.
i second justins comments on the sketch! truly beautiful work man!!!!
a former hard rockin',hard drinkin',bass playin',late night bar band performin',MOFO like you is exposing your child to the freaking jonas brothers!!!
i expected a little better from you.
give her your ween cd collection!
p.s.-i don't think i did and hour and a half of homework in high school much less in 2nd grade!
Hey Eric! I'm waving the white flag on this baseball season...What a shame to leave the building without a final October playoff first round exit....sigh!
at least i have the NY Giants to ease my pain...
I bow humbly Justin, thanks! Our next CD swap, I'll bring my book with me...this book has had a pretty good run so far, I'm trying to fill every page!
Thanks Cybil...ironically enough, I cropped me and my younger brother James out of the picture so the top part of her hair that you don't see are actually our chins...and finally Jason, if you and your wife ever decide to bring a lil' Quinones into this world, know that no matter how hard to want to mold them into your image, they're gonna eventually gravitate to whatever their friends are raving about at the moment...whether I like it or not, I'm certainly not gonna deny her music she lwants to listen to...she also loves the new Beck album, and also sings along to my Vampire Weekend cd, and I don't know many 8 year olds who have that on their Nano....I appreciate the compliments guys!
This will be a hard post to follow...Thanks!
GB, you always tend to out-do yourself with these posts. Fantastic illustration!!!
Can't believe how fast these kids grow.
Damn, we're getting old. *sniff, sniff*
Thanks Glenn's Team. 4 GB and Dice-K tomorrow.
Also, I gave Jake a Rush CD. He's 15. It's time, you know?
And - I have a $25 credit with iTunes, what should I get?
after seeing a picture of your lil' Megan in her school uniform Charley, you're telling me how fast they grow! you oughtta know papa!
Eric if you're into waiting, I'd recommend the new Of Montreal album "Skeletal Lamping" due out in October...a work friend burnt me an advance copy and I've been listening to it three times a day...the guy's a mad scientist idiot savant musical genius and some of the harmonies he's creating are reminiscent of Prince at his Lovesexiest or Queen at their Bohemian Rhapsody's like nothing you'll ever hear...they're one of my favorite bands at the moment...
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