Monday, March 26, 2007

Renaissance Man

"Some things look better inside of the store."- Peter Bjorn and John

Say hey! I'm almost postin' weekly now! I'm on a good run...
I'm currently reading "The Beach" by Alex Garland- which is
loads better than the Leonardo DeCraprio movie adaptation...
so I'm feeding the head- I'm running with a sense of impending
40 year old urgency on the treadmill so I'm moving the body-
and I'm trying to draw on the train rides home so I'm feeding the
soul...I guess I'm also working my ass off at the 9 to 5 too, so I'm
feeding my family as I said....I'm on a good run....
Here's a KennaSketch...sometimes a girl needs to rock sunglasses
while she's on the swings.....

One week till Opening Day!


At 12:08 AM, Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

Five days 'til opening night! :)

Nice to see more of the figure...nice rendering on the coat and hands! ...

Must be tough to draw on the train...probably smoother than the bus, though...usin' the time well!

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Johnny Supersonic said...

Yeah, very nice drawing. Dig the shades! Definitely time well spent on the train.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

why thanks much Justin...I'll admit to being to
lazy to both with anything but the face, but I felt like a bit more storytelling was in order for this sketch...the worst part about drawing on the train? when all that's left is the middle seat between two Pilsburys-that's why some of my drawings look skewed....and thank you too Rob!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Eric Soderstrom said...

Hey Glenn - I like how you captured the sense of motion without being cartoonish - the pom poms against the chest with the hair still out ahead of her and the arc of the swing chain. Very nice! And I say "Very nice" with no trace of a Borat impersonation.

Also, I bought a nifty little universal USB adaptor and will get new picture up on my sad little blog soon.

Congrats on getting out of the rut and into a groove, man. I've been more active, too - and last week, while pulling weeds, it hit me -

Winter just sucks, man. I know it's going to suck going in - a time to hibernate, a time of darkness and cold and all that. But somehow, by January, I forget that I know it sucks and I get all depressed.

Then there's Spring. And everything gets all groovy again. I have washed my Giants jersey, and dusted off my Red Sox hat and can't wait for opening day. I want to congratulate you in advance on the Yankees finishing second in the division and offer my condolences on their missing the wild card by a game and a half.

At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenn, this is a great drawing, full of energy and lots of detail. I gotta be the first one to say it though, it doesn't really look like Kenna that much. This girl looks older especially with the Catwoman specs but, like I said, great illo. And really great for a train sketch, wow!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

Hope springs eternal for every Red Sox fan, Eric...We'll talk in October....
it's funny you say that Jess...
when I showed it to Michele she asked
if it was a portrait of "Ugly Betty"...


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