Together We Can Rule The Galaxy
"You came here in THAT thing? You're braver than I thought"- Princess Leia
Happy Halloween, Ladies!
Here are some pics of my little rebel. Ain't she badass?
I think by the end of the night, she was not feeling as glamorous as
some of the other princesses on the block and she started getting
down on her costume. I did what I could to reassure her that
she had the coolest costume in the galaxy, but how can you compete with
"Goth Fairy Princess"? (What the fuck is that by the way?)
Seeing 8 year olds dressing like Siouxsie & the Banshees with
Butterfly Wings is whose idea of an age-appropriate costume?
You got 8 more years before you should be looking like that!
Christ, I'm getting old! I sound like my friggin' father!
I gave her the cold hard facts:
Is your bag filled to the gills with candy? Yes.
Mission Accomplished.
All I got was a rock.
The Force is strong with this one.
I got some 14 year olds in 19 year old outfits. I didn't say it out loud, but my internal monlogue was something like, "Oh, that's great, you're Stripper Alice In Wonderland...and you must be Hooker Fairy Princess." I felt like I should have been handing out condoms instead of Snickers.
Oh, and then there were the two 15 year old white kids dressed like a "rapper" and a "gangsta." Those little f*%ktards stole the plastic axe from our Jason on the bench stuffed dummy thing.
But for every slutty teenage girl and hoodlum teenage boy, there were cute little kids - a wholesome Woody (from Toy Story, not Cheers), a cute little Fairy Princess, etc.
Oh, and I had the White Trash Mom - no, really, no costume. "I'm collecting for my baby who is in somebody's arms (not her Daddy, I'm assuming or she would have said, 'Daddy's' instead of 'somebody's') up at the curb."
OK, yeah, if they aren't old enough to ring the doorbell, they aren't old enough for candy.
We did up the house pretty good this year. We've been adding a little bit every year. I'll get some pictures up on my blog soon.
Glenn - I'm in one of those "can't seem to get off my ass (or is it on my ass?) and get a post up.
Hey Justin! I don't know why I left this out of
the story, but just before she fell asleep that night, she said to me-
"Next year, I'm going to be Wolverine!"
Do you believe this broad?
Where does she get her balls?
I've been steady peeping at your blog Eric,
not much for commenting these days as I'm working my arse off, and rarely want to turn on my computer at home anymore-sounds like you got it like that as well- you're posting more than me at least!
Listen you, I want a fucking picture done of my son because you didnt help me move you Bacelor Party going prick.
Sally Jessy Raphael...
....go fuck yourself.
Has it really been almost a month since your last art post?? What's goin' ahn here..did you get Jesseitis???
Come on Glendor, time for a post.
Is she back from China yet?
I finally got around to listening to some of the bands you've been raving about. Seriously - you've been raving, like a raving evangelist.
Anyway - you have to check out J. Davis Trio out of Chicago. It's clever and intelligent raps over jazz and beats. They have a MySpace page.
Happy Thanksgiving. We better talk on Thursday.
Oh, and we have a frog living in and around our pond now. The other day I dug up some worms for him. Is it OK if we name him Glenn?
Time for a post!
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