Sunday, July 09, 2006

Easy Peasey-Lemon Squeezey

"Look outside...
I know that you'll recognize...
It's Summertime."- The Flaming Lips

I really didn't care much for last week's KennaSketch,
but I posted it anyways, 'cause the story was fun.
But what I did like about it, was the quickness of it...
it's not as labored as my recent posts, and it has a looseness
that's been missing, so basically here's this week's model
with the same mind frame... it's more of an accurate expression
of the mood than the model.
Hasta Luego-
SeƱor FrogDaddy


At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the looseness, and quite frankly, I"m lovin it!


At 11:25 PM, Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

KennaSketch...have you trademarked that yet?


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