Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rock Star Heaven

"Cut this picture-into you and me...
burn it backwards- kill this history"- Elliott Smith
here's a fresh-faced, pigtail-free sketch to fill my "every other day" quota....
started the morning commute with nick drake and went home to elliott smith....
two amazing musicians who left us far too soon. i was too young to appreciate
nick drake in his day (check beck's website for an amazing cover of his song "parasite")
but i really find myself missing elliott regularly...he's one of the few artists of whose
entire catalog I own....i guess that doesn't have much weight in today's rip and burn world,
but i went to the record stores and bought each and every one of those bitches.....
i can remember where i was when I first heard "Sweet Adeline" (Amoeba Records, Berkeley California)
his songs have that kind of immediacy with me.....maybe i had a grunge hangover, or maybe my tastes
were growing older, but elliott "happened" for me at just the right time...wish he could've stayed.....


At 2:00 AM, Blogger Process Junkie said...

I really like the sense of urgency and fluidity of this sketch, I salivate at the possibilities.

At 12:55 AM, Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

thanks professor...
i had a teacher once who told me...
"you're best work always happens in the first
15 minutes of class and then you spend the next
2 hours completely destroying it......this sketch definitely had that 20 minute timetable....
maybe i should consider that for future renderings...

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I think you have a great series going with your McKenna sketches. You should put together a book and call it McKenna Sketchz. Keep plugging away.

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most beautiful Sketch! The drawing feels completely alive.

Also thanks for turning me on to Nick Drake and Elliott Smith.

I spent months listenting to Elliott at my last job because of you. Now I spend months listening to Nick.

Can't wait for your next post.

At 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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